Saturday, June 8, 2013

“Over 20 Years!”

Last week Fredna and I had the privilege of meeting with the Liberia Field Fellowship of the Assemblies of God.  In the meeting room, at a hotel in Dallas, Texas, we sat with veteran missionaries DeVane and Mary McGee, and candidate missionaries Justin and Jessica Lattus.

Liberia Team

DeVane & MaryThe McGees have just returned from Liberia for medical checkups, and they are staying with their daughter and her family in the Hurst area before returning to the field in early July.  DeVane and Mary have spent many years in West Africa, serving in Sierra Leone and Liberia.  They have also served with ICI (International Correspondence Institute, and Africa’s Hope.  In January of 2011, the McGees volunteered to take up residence in Liberia with the assignment of reestablishing relationships with the Liberian Assemblies of God, as well as beginning the process of helping to rebuild what had been destroyed during the 25 years of death and destruction.  DeVane and Mary will complete their term of commitment in January of 2014, then return to the USA.


LattusMissionary candidates Justin and Jessica Lattus have recently felt the call of God to dedicate their lives to foreign missions service.  In approximately 12-18 months, upon completion of their itineration, they will join the team already on the ground.  In their own words, “God called us to abandon our non-Pentecostal upbringing, our professional careers, and the lives that we had created, in order to go and serve Him in the mission fields of Liberia, West Africa.”  They have two young children, Savannah and McCoy.



jimmyDuring the meeting the General Superintendent of the Liberian Assemblies of God phoned DeVane from Liberia.  While talking, DeVane told Rev. Jimmy Kuoh that the AGWM Missionary Team was meeting together in Dallas, Texas.  Over the speaker on the phone, Rev. Kuoh greeted us warmly and thanked us for committing ourselves to come to Liberia and to help the Liberian Assemblies of God.  Then he said, “This is the first field fellowship meeting of Liberian missionaries in over 20 years!”


It is amazing that God is now assembling a team of missionaries, along with partners across America, in order to stand with our brothers and sisters in Liberia to rebuild what has been destroyed, to train pastors, and to help meet the needs of so many.  It is amazing that God has included Fredna and me in this ministry and joined us with this great group of people!


"The bricks have fallen down, but we will rebuild with dressed stone…”  Isa. 9:10