It all started when the municipality cleared the land for 96 plots. Remember, this is a re-location area. That means that when the city finds "squatters," they try to move them to this area of the community. The Ombili Location already has 1,500 houses, and this will add another 96. The municipality says that there are an average of 7.5 people to every house. That means that with 1,500 houses there are 11,250 people. The 96 new plots means that another 720 people are moving close to the church. That's correct, a population of 11, 970 people within 3/4 kilometer of Ombili A/G!
In the pictures above you will notice the open ground after it was cleared. Then one of the first houses built and a lady carrying firewood on her head. The last picture is of a young man putting the finishing touches to his dwelling.
What does this all mean? Simply put, it means we have the potential of reaching well over 10,000 people with the Gospel of Christ! We are the only church within 4 kilometers - and that is a very long way to walk!
Please pray for us as we minister to this multitude of people. Please pray that God will draw each one of them to Himself! Remember, if Ombili Location is experiencing growing pains, then the Kingdom of God should be too.
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