Sunday, June 8, 2008

Area 49 Assembly of God

                      Reuben & Flora Jerry 

Today Fredna and I ministered at the Area 49 Assembly of God.  This thriving church is pastored by Abusa Reuben & Flora Jerry.  The word Abusa is the Chichewa word for Pastor.


There were somewhere between 300 and 400 worshipers in the service today.  There is so much energy in a service like this, and it is so easy to preach!  The people respond to the Word of God, and are ready to allow Him to minister in their lives.


Greeting Praise Group

The ladies group of the church performed a special that depicted different people with all kinds of illness, deformities, blindness, and lameness coming to Jesus for healing.  It was wonderful!


Preaching  Fredna & Friend


I preached about God's desire to heal broken lives.  When I gave the altar call for this purpose, there were at least 150 that came forward.  It was a tremendous altar service with God touching so many lives and bringing restoration.


At the end of each service the Pastor, his wife, Fredna, and myself stand at the door and shake everybody's hand.  This seems to be a very special time for the individuals that are present, and they don't get in any hurry.  Malawi is called, "The Warm Heart of Africa" - and we know why!

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