Saturday, August 8, 2009

What You Miss

Sometimes where you live determines what is available.  This is true with certain food items.  Potato chips are available in Malawi, in some of the strangest flavors.  To name a few: biltong, fried chicken, peri peri, chutney, and tomato.  You can not buy plain corn chips in Malawi. 

When you grow up eating Fritos or Doritos then live in a place where they are not available, well, it is difficult!  It has been 15 months since I have tasted a regular Frito.  There are times that it seems that I can taste them, but I realize it is just my imagination.


All of this changed yesterday when I unloaded a container full of work equipment from the United States.  My friend, Bill Moore, put some Fritos on the container for me.  The next time you eat Fritos I hope you enjoy as much as I did today!

First Bite  First Bite finish

You just can't imagine how good something is when you haven't had it in 15 months!

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