Thursday, November 29, 2007

Boxing It All Up

I finished loading our container today. It is amazing how much stuff we had to get rid of in order to come to Africa. In 25 years of marriage and family, one can certainly accumulate a lot of "things". But we did it. We condensed our possessions to the point that all we had would fit in a 20' container.

Now what is really amazing is the fact that we have been in Africa for 3 years, and it still all fits - well, almost all of it. We did have to get rid of a few things.

We leave Namibia next week. Hopefully, our container will leave Namibia soon and begin the journey to Malawi, arriving just before we do. I suppose I should be concerned that, as of yet, I have not been able to find a shipper that will take the job of shipping our container. It seems the problem is that Malawi is landlocked, and overland shipments do not bring a lot of money. Oh well, we leave Namibia next week!
Temperatures here are hovering around the century mark (Fahrenheit). It will be a bit colder when we arrive in Dallas. I wonder if there will be a place on the plane that I can change out of my shorts and put on something warmer?

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The End And The Beginning

The Sunday service at Ombili Assembly of God church this morning marked the end and the beginning. The service was the end of our tenure and the beginning of the new pastor's service.

It was a wonderful day! There were around 200 people present including missionaries Melissa McSurdy, Mark and Kim Gardner and their daughter Breanna, and Ken and Tammy Pryor.

It was a happy and sad time. We were happy to see so many people that have made this church their home and yet sad to realize that we may never see any of these people this side of heaven again. In my message I admonished them to live a godly life and trust Jesus so they could go to heaven.

There were many tears shed today. Two ladies read letters and cards that were given to Fredna and me. This was a very touching time. I had to change interpreters in the middle of my message because she started crying and couldn't stop.

The new pastor and his wife, Felix and Simone Mulamatu, were introduced to the congregation. Melissa McSurdy will be working with the Mulamatu's at Ombili as well.

So, we say good bye to Ombili and close this chapter of our lives. In two weeks we leave for Texas, where the next chapter of our lives will begin to take shape. Malawi, here we come!

Nice congregation to be just two months old!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Our Last Teaching Assignment

NAMTI - Namibia Ministry Training Institute is in session this month, and this will be our last teaching assignment. Gaylord was scheduled to teach a class on leadership, and Fredna is teaching a class on counseling. Dan McGaffee has stepped in to take Gaylord's assignment in order to free him to be able to pack the container and get ready for the move.

Fredna spoke in chapel, and Gaylord spoke at a special night service during Campus Days. There were about thirteen prospective students in attendance for Campus Days, and they all seemed to have a great time.

We look forward to NAMTI classes because it gives us a chance to build relationships and get closer to the students. It is a privilege being able to speak into their lives. It also gives us a chance to learn more about the culture of the national students.

This Bible school is critical to the growth of this national church as pastors, leaders, and church workers emerge from the student body. Fredna and I have been blessed to have been a part of NAMTI for the past three years! May God bless their continued efforts is our prayer!

NAMTI in 2005

NAMTI in 2007

Fredna and Gaylord preaching

Student life