Thursday, November 12, 2015

Road To Bahn

When I was a kid I loved the Bob Hope and Bing Crosby Road Pictures.  You remember: “The Road to Bali”, “The Road to Singapore”, etc.  I think there were seven in all.  They were so much fun to watch.  Sometimes, traveling Africa, I think of those old movies. 

Last week Fredna and I took the road to Nimba, County, which is in the northeastern portion of Liberia, for the annual Nimba District Conference.  The conference was actually held in a town named Bahn.  Bahn is also the location of a large Ivorian refugee camp with upwards of 15,000 refugees.

We could have driven from Monrovia to Bahn in one day, but I wanted to stop over in Ganta so I could look at a couple of locations for future church builds.  I also wanted to visit the Nimba Bible School facilities there.  This Bible school is being built on property in an area that will experience huge city growth in the near future.  Currently, the school is being conducted at the facilities of First Assembly of God church in Ganta.  Progress is good, and the school should be able to open in a few more months.

Showing property lines Front view 

Classroom Going inside

The second day we were on the road to Saclepea where we met the Nimba District Superintendent, Rev. Moses Dermie.  He took us to the building site of the new Nimba District Office, which is under construction.


Bricks for building 

Now, the road to Bahn.  Just outside of Bahn we stopped to see another location for a potential church build.  Pastor Robert Wandah and the congregation of Duowin Assembly of God is meeting in a grass-thatch temporary structure.  Some of the ladies showed us how they had cleared the jungle and planted rice next to the church.  Two of the area chiefs came to meet me and tell me how they needed this church to be built in their area.


Ladies with rice Rice

Meeting two chiefs Discussion

Current structure Building a wall

On to Bahn Assembly of God church where the district conference was being conducted.  We were able to see old friends and meet new ones.  It was great!  I spoke on the need to plant new churches in Liberia and how we are the 11th-hour workers.  The fellowship was wonderful, and the hospitality was not lacking in any area!

Nimba Dist Council Nimba Dist Council

Nimba Dist Council   Nimba Dist Council

This lovely couple took us to their home and served us a wonderful Liberian meal!

Home in Bahn

After the conference we were once again on the road – the road home.  No matter where we go, it is always good to return home!  In fact, this road we are all traveling – life – is a road that can lead all of us home.  Have you made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life?

Sunday, November 8, 2015


A few years ago Fredna and I were travelling in the northern part of Namibia, visiting churches, passing out Bibles and encouraging our brothers and sisters in Christ.  We drove by a village and saw a lady sitting close to the road by her cooking fire.  The village was not very large, and we didn’t see hardly any people around the open areas.  This woman was sitting there with a baby preparing a meal for her family.

We stopped to visit with her, and ask if there were any churches in the area.  During the conversation she asked for a Bible.  My first question to her was, “Can you read?”  She told me that she could not, but one of her children could because she attended school.  I immediately gave her a book – not just any book – it was the Word of God in her mother tongue.

She was so happy!  She called her children to her so she could show them the new Bible.  Then she looked at me and said, “You people come and tell us about Jesus and the light begins to shine.  Then you leave and the light goes out.  With this Bible the light will never go out.”

Thimba rec a Bible

For years I have been challenging people and churches to financially support the work of missions.  I believe that it is God’s heart – reaching the lost of this world.  Do people have a right to hear that their Creator gave His life for them?  Do people have a right to hear that God loves them with an everlasting love?  Do people deserve to enjoy the “Light”?

As children of God we have a responsibility to send this gospel to every corner of the earth, to enlighten every individual possible, to share the good news of Jesus Christ!  As they say in Liberia, “I beg you please…” the next time you have the opportunity, give so that others can hear, so the light never goes out!

Proverbs 11:30, “…and he that winneth souls is wise.”