Thursday, June 26, 2008

YIKES! Culture Shock again...

                                       Mice (2)

Do you need a closer look?


                             Mice (11)

Oh yeah, you're correct - MICE!  Those are mice on that stick you are looking at.  Can you believe this?  These guys were sitting at the side of the road hawking their goodies - MICE!  Actually, mice on a stick.


It seems that these guys start a fire at the edge of a very grassy area in order to drive out the mice; then they catch them.  At this point they boil them in salt water - hair and all!  According to the chef, the best part of the mouse is the liver.  Oh my goodness, can you believe this?  My gag reflex is kicking in just writing about this.


  Mice (6) Mice (7)


My friend, Blessings Gamah, offered visual instruction showing just how one might eat a mouse.  YIKES!  He slowly took hold of the head, gave a little twist, then PUT THE HEAD IN HIS MOUTH AND CRUNCHED IT DOWN!  As they say in Texas, "That would gag a maggot!"


My wife gamely said, "I would like to try it."  YEP!  She did!  She didn't crunch the head, nor did she scarf the hair, but she did pull the meat (does a mouse really have meat?) and ATE IT!


                                Mice (10)


I hope she will be happy with her new family.  I am dropping out of the rat race (pun intended)!  Seems kind of appropriate that she is wearing an Aggie shirt for this cultural experience!


Larisa said...

Oh my lands you are brave!!

Margaret said...

Fredna, You are amazing! I don't think I could have done it.

I see my daughter reads your blog. How cool is that!


We miss you being here. God is using you in Malawi.

vnokes said...

Way to go Fredna!!